poet : ceremonialist : professor
Mentorship Sessions
I offer individualized mentorship sessions for those seeking guidance on their writing, art, or teaching journey. Sessions range from 30 minutes to 4 hours and are held over the phone or Zoom.
Drawing on my training as a poet, professor, ceremonialist, and clinical herbalist, I hold a sacred and strong container for our sessions. My intention is to be acutely present for you and your work, to offer holistic, activating, and sustaining reflections, and to help you attune your attention to what is waiting to be realized.
Mentorship sessions can provide a container for:
close attention to a manuscript, poem, or project
reviewing and honing your intentions
cultivating new rituals
talking through rough ideas for an existing or new project
developing custom writing exercises
holding space for you as you write
- tailoring companion readings for your practice
preparing and submitting work for publication
exploring ways to nourish your intuition
discussing daily rituals for embodiment + spiritual development
working to deepen your path and practice as a teacher
course development
finding and maintaining balance as a caretaker or teacher
exploring methods for holding space and deep listening
marking threshold crossings—finishing a manuscript, teaching a new class, beginning a new project or job, sending your work out for publication, changing fields, etc.—with intention.

30 minutes
Stay woven into your practice with these short but immersive sessions. Time might be used for close reading, editorial advice, reflection with an attentive listener, or creative brainstorming. Whatever feels most urgent and will keep your finger on the pulse of the work.
Phone or Zoom
Please contact me for booking
1 hour
Discuss a specific piece or passage, set intentions and goals for a project, cultivate new rituals, make a complementary reading list, devote time to quiet writing and then reflection, or whatever most serves your practice.
Phone or Zoom
Please contact me for booking
1.5 hours
Think through places in your work that resist development, discuss patterns that no longer serve you and cultivate new rituals for a nourishing practice, develop continuity, have space held for you at an uncertain threshold, devote time to quiet writing and then reflect and breathe into the work you’ve done.
Phone or Zoom
Please contact me for booking
2-4 hours
Intensives offer close individual attention to your work with time and space for sustained writing within the held container of the session. Think of them as guided retreats. Our time might begin with a discussion of a particular piece, or of an aspect of your process, followed by a session of writing, followed by time for discussion and close reading, closing with setting intentions and goals for the developing work. This format allows for a rich exchange and sacred time to incubate and develop a manuscript.
2 hours: $225
3 hours: $325
4 hours: $425
Zoom only
Please contact me for booking
*please note: A custom flower essence blend can be included in any of the above or below offerings for $55.
When woven into these mentorship sessions, they are divined to support your creative journey.
You can read more about those consultations here.
$55 includes includes: two .5 oz. custom flower essence formulas, written, personalized rituals for intentional interaction with your unique flower essence blend, as well as shipping costs.
Manuscript Consultations
poetry / lyric essay / lyric memoir / compositions across the arts
The consultation process involves
1. 30-minute session to outline the intentions & goals of the manuscript.
2. A written letter detailing the manuscript’s centrifugal force, essential energies and trajectory, as well as attentive micro and macro editorial suggestions curated to help you pull the manuscript into its next phase.
3. Concluding 1-hour session to ground you in the work to come.
Please contact me for booking & pricing